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Stanley Ebhohimhen Abhadiomhen (fb体育 JSU Excellent Ph.D. Thesis Award)

My name is Stanley Ebhohimhen Abhadiomhen, and I am delighted to be recognized as an excellent student. I completed my Ph.D. program in June 2023 under the mentorship of Professor Xiang-Jun Shen, thanks to the prestigious presidential scholarship provided through the Jiangsu University/University of Nigeria collaboration as a lecturer in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Nigeria.

My research interests lie primarily in computer vision, image processing, and pattern recognition. While studying at Jiangsu University, I acquired more insight into computing from China's perspective as a technological superpower. As a result of my dedication, I coauthored more than 17 papers in esteemed journals and conferences, including ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology, Applied Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, IET Image Processing, Journal of Mathematics, Knowledge-Based Systems, Neural Processing Letters, Scientific Programming, and AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2023. I authored three of those papers as the first author from my Ph.D. research work, which is focused on image subspace representation learning using low-rank models. The first paper introduced a coupled model into the traditional low-rank representation to allow the low-rank representation and the clustering structure to guide each other to find a more optimal representation. The second paper extended the first one for multiview learning. Notably, both papers were published within two years of starting my four-year Ph.D. program. Due to my research achievements, I was awarded the first prize of the presidential scholarship of Jiangsu University (for two consecutive sections) and the Special Prize of the School of Computer Science and Communication Engineering.

The special prize (A cash prize of 12000 RMB) is awarded to exceptional students who make landmark research contributions, and I was privileged to be the sole recipient who met the stringent requirements. This recognition served as a testament to my self-development and my unwavering drive for continuous improvement. Another significant contribution of my dissertation was the proposal of a third approach, which introduced robust linear dimensionality reduction into low-rank representation. This work was presented at the Thirty-Seventh AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, a category A recommended conference by the CCF, held on February 7-14, 2023, in Washington, DC, USA. As a result of this accomplishment, I fulfilled the early graduation requirement of the school and my dissertation was submitted for external review in just three years of my four-year program. The dissertation received excellent scores from all three external reviewers and was recommended as an excellent doctoral dissertation by the defense committee and the subcommittee of the School of Computer Science and Communication Engineering. It was subsequently awarded the title of Jiangsu University excellent doctoral dissertation.

In addition to my research achievements, I have served as a reviewer for several esteemed journals, including Neural Processing Letters, IET Image Processing, IET Computer Vision, Multimedia Tools and Applications, the Journal of Big Data, ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Neural Network, Image and Vision Computing, and Pattern Recognition. Through this experience, I have contributed over 60 verified reviews in Web of Science (WOS), actively participating in the scholarly community.

I am truly honored to have been recognized as an excellent student by the school. I attribute this achievement to the unwavering support of Jiangsu University, the University of Nigeria, and the guidance of Professor Xiang-Jun Shen and our exceptional research team, including Ernest Ganaa, Zhiyang Wang, MingJian Cai, and Yanan Cai to mention a few.

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